Help: Change Password

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Change Your Own Password

To change your password:

  1. Enter old and new password information in the fields as directed.

  2. Click Save.

Password should be a minimum of 6 characters in length and it must contain at least one alphabet, one numeric and one special character.

Allowed special characters are:

~ @ # $ % ! ^ & * + =

One Method for Creating a Very Strong But Memorable Password

  1. Think of a memorable sentence:
    "My first car was a '74 Trans Am."

  2. Replace each word with its first letter, or, if the word is a number or ordinal, the number:

  3. Randomly mix upper- and lowercase letters:

  4. Finally, substitute one or more of the allowed special characters (~ @ # $ % ! ^ & * + =). You can substitute special characters that look like the characters they're replacing ($ for s, @ for a, ! for l, etc.) or that sound like the words represented (stAR (*) for "cAR", AMpersand (&) for Trans AM):
    Your password:  m1*wA74t&

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Reset Another User's Password

NOTE: Only the IT Super Administrator can reset other Users' passwords.

Resetting other Users' passwords is accomplished in the User Listing area. To get there, expand the Administration tab in the Left Navigation Bar and click on Users (below),


click the "Home" link above the orange line on the right, then click the Users link on the Admin Home page. (See below.)

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