Help: Export Rules and Data Dictionary - JIFF®

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Understand basic Export Rules

General Rules
JIFF® Specific Rules

For example:

For example:

Note: Caregiver is also included as part of the assessment details if Caregiver JIFF or CWL which would indicate the person (caregiver) who completed the assessment (caregiver selected during assessment setup)."

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Understand Export Variable Naming Convention

The general format of export variables is: Assessment_E##_T###_Variable, where:

Data organization within export file

All data is organized by episode in the data file.  All the data for a case will appear on one line, in chronological order (based on your selection criteria).  Data that does not change for the case (e.g., name, id) appears first, followed by assessment data.  The data fields appear in the order the variables are listed in the data dictionary.

Some examples:

Scenario 1: The following case has come in for an initial CAFAS® evaluation. What is the name of the variable for the School subscale score?

Answer: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore  Note that the time is labeled TInitial and the system automatically assigned it an Episode number of 01.

Scenario 2: The following case has only 1 episode of care, and has had 3 assessments during the course of treatment, an Initial assessment, a 3 month assessment, and an Exit assessment. How would you be able to differentiate between the School Score for each assessment?

Answer: All of the data for the initial assessment is grouped together, followed by the data for the 3 month assessment, followed by data for the Exit assessment.  The school variables would be named: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore (for the initial assessment score), CAFAS_E01_T03_SchoolScore (for the 3 month assessment score), CAFAS_E01_TExit_SchoolScore (for the exit assessment score).

Scenario 3: Suppose a case has two episodes, an initial and exit CAFAS® in the first episode and an Initial and 3-months in the second episode.  How would the variable that reports the school score appear in the data?

Answer: There would be 4 variables that report a score for the school subscale.  Again, all of the data would be organized chronologically, with all of the Episode 1 data appearing first, followed by Episode 2 data.  The names of the variables would be: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore (initial School subscale score for episode 1), CAFAS_E01_TExit_SchoolScore (exit School subscale score for episode 1), CAFAS_E02_TInitial_SchoolScore (initial School subscale score for episode 2), CAFAS_E02_T03_SchoolScore (3 month School subscale score for episode 2).

Scenario 4: The following case is an example of when the administration "r;Special Circumstances" might be used.  Suppose a case comes in for an Initial and 3 month CAFAS® evaluation.  Then, a week after the 3 month CAFAS® was rated, the case manager becomes aware of some new information that indicates a new CAFAS® should be done. This is a case where the administration "r;Special Circumstances" should be used.  What would the School subscale score then look like?

Answer: There would be 3 variables that report a score for the school subscale.  Again, all of the data would be organized chronologically, with all of the Initial data appearing first, followed by T03, followed by SP data (SP denotes Special Circumstances.  The names of the variables would be: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore (initial School subscale score), CAFAS_E01_T03_SchoolScore (T03 School subscale score), and CAFAS_E01_SPa_SchoolScore (Special Circumstances School subscale score - Note that for Special Circumstances, instead of using numbers like "r;03" a letter is used.  The first time Special Circumstances is used it will be called SPa, the second time it is used it will be SPb).

JIFF - Specific Variables

Youth and Caregiver exports are very similar.  For all variables regarding assessment data, the variable name is the same as the youth, data originating from a youth export begins with the letter "r;Y" and data originating from a Caregiver exports, with the letter "r;C".  Youth and Caregiver data are exported separately, but can be appended into one dataset in a program such as SPSS.  

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View Data Dictionary for JIFF®

View Data Dictionary for Youth JIFF®

View Data Dictionary for Caregiver JIFF®

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