Understand basic Export Rules (Admin Only)
Understand Export Variable Naming Conventions (Admin only)
Data Dictionary for JIFF
G1 - "Overall Export Format
- Export data is structured as follows:
[*One Time Info [Org Info | Client Demographic |
Caregiver(s) Demographic | EBT(s)]] | [**Repeat for
each episode [Episode Info ]] [***Repeat for Each Assessment [Assessment(s)
Info | Subscale Info | Goals | Items ]]"
G2 - All export data is in English, even if the assessment was taken in Spanish or French
G3 - For amended assessments, historical assessment will not be available for export - current amended assessment will be the version available to export
G4 - Deleted Assessments are NOT exported
G5 - Export Variables names are literally variable names in SPSS. If the variable names are "Assess01_score" and "Assess02_score" in the export, the SPSS analyst will be able to do write code like "ScoreDiff = "Assess01_score"-"Assess02_score" and get a result. So, Export names are unique, just like any variable in a programming language, and it needs to be easy to understand what it means just by looking at the variable name.
G6 - Episode number will be included as a variable and also as part of the variable/element/column name
G7 - Convention for naming item variables: See details here.
G8 - For the "What to send for empty value" field, Required doesn't mean to send the string "Required", it means it is a required field, so it can't possibly be empty
G9 - For the "What to send for empty value" field, BLANK doesn't mean to send the string "BLANK", it means the field can be empty
G10 - For the "What to send for empty value" field, "Can't be empty" doesn't mean to send the string "Can't be empty", it means the field is binary and therefore can't have an empty value - it must be either True or False, no other option makes sense.
G11 - For the "What to send for empty value" field, "SELECT" does mean to send the string "SELECT" (no quotes)
G12 - For the "Field type in the system", GUID is a globally unique ID, Text (as opposed to Text Box) is something that is stored in the system as a string, but is not entered by the user. "Text" was used rather than "String" to avoid confusion with the "Export Value Format" column in this spreadsheet. This is similar to "Numeric"...not entered by user, will be stored as a number in the system.
JIFF1 - "For Youth SPSS export, all variables will be on a single line for a given client…even if there are multiple assessments, they will be exported on a single line:
For example:
Y1, E01A1, E01A2, E02A1
Y2, E01A1
Y3, E01A1, E01A2"
JIFF2 - "For Caregiver SPSS export, all variables for a given caregiver will be exported on a single line…so, there may be multiple lines for each client - one for each caregiver
For example:
Y1, C1, E01A1, E01A1, E02A2
Y1, C2, E01A1
Y2, C1, E01A1
Y3, C1, E01A1, E02A1
Y3, C2, E01A1,E02A1, E02A2"
JIFF3 - Note: Caregiver information will be included as part of the demographic information if caregivers have been associated with the youth (Caregiver Table).
Note: Caregiver is also included as part of the assessment details if Caregiver JIFF or CWL which would indicate the person (caregiver) who completed the assessment (caregiver selected during assessment setup)."
The general format of export variables is: Assessment_E##_T###_Variable, where:
Assessment will be the type of the assessment, such as CAFAS or PECFAS.
E will report the Episode number, such as E01
T will report the timing of the assessment, the Administration. T01 would be 1 month, T03 is three months, etc. There are several special "r;Times" that are also reported slightly differently. When "r;Initial" is chosen as the administration, the T-value is TInitial; for "r;Revised Initial" it is TRInitial, and for Exit Administration it is TExit. If you chose "r;Special Circumstances" as the administration it is reported as "r;SP" instead of a "r;T" and instead of numbers, uses small lowercase letters. For example, if you had chosen Special Circumstances to do a second 3-month CAFAS, Spa would replace the T03 value. See the examples below for further clarification.
All data is organized by episode in the data file. All the data for a case will appear on one line, in chronological order (based on your selection criteria). Data that does not change for the case (e.g., name, id) appears first, followed by assessment data. The data fields appear in the order the variables are listed in the data dictionary.
Some examples:
Scenario 1: The
following case has come in for an initial CAFAS
Answer: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore Note that the time is labeled TInitial and the system automatically assigned it an Episode number of 01.
Scenario 2: The following case has only 1 episode of care, and has had 3 assessments during the course of treatment, an Initial assessment, a 3 month assessment, and an Exit assessment. How would you be able to differentiate between the School Score for each assessment?
Answer: All of the data for the initial assessment is grouped together, followed by the data for the 3 month assessment, followed by data for the Exit assessment. The school variables would be named: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore (for the initial assessment score), CAFAS_E01_T03_SchoolScore (for the 3 month assessment score), CAFAS_E01_TExit_SchoolScore (for the exit assessment score).
Scenario 3: Suppose
a case has two episodes, an initial and exit CAFAS
Answer: There would be 4 variables that report a score for the school subscale. Again, all of the data would be organized chronologically, with all of the Episode 1 data appearing first, followed by Episode 2 data. The names of the variables would be: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore (initial School subscale score for episode 1), CAFAS_E01_TExit_SchoolScore (exit School subscale score for episode 1), CAFAS_E02_TInitial_SchoolScore (initial School subscale score for episode 2), CAFAS_E02_T03_SchoolScore (3 month School subscale score for episode 2).
Scenario 4: The
following case is an example of when the administration "r;Special
Circumstances" might be used. Suppose a case
comes in for an Initial and 3 month CAFAS
Answer: There would be 3 variables that report a score for the school subscale. Again, all of the data would be organized chronologically, with all of the Initial data appearing first, followed by T03, followed by SP data (SP denotes Special Circumstances. The names of the variables would be: CAFAS_E01_TInitial_SchoolScore (initial School subscale score), CAFAS_E01_T03_SchoolScore (T03 School subscale score), and CAFAS_E01_SPa_SchoolScore (Special Circumstances School subscale score - Note that for Special Circumstances, instead of using numbers like "r;03" a letter is used. The first time Special Circumstances is used it will be called SPa, the second time it is used it will be SPb).
Youth and Caregiver exports are very similar. For all variables regarding assessment data, the variable name is the same as the youth, data originating from a youth export begins with the letter "r;Y" and data originating from a Caregiver exports, with the letter "r;C". Youth and Caregiver data are exported separately, but can be appended into one dataset in a program such as SPSS.
Data Dictionary for Youth JIFF
Data Dictionary for Caregiver JIFF
Data Dictionary documents are copyrighted and should not be copied or disseminated. They are intended for use by licensed users only. A licensed user is someone who works for an organization that has purchased the FAS Outcomes software and who is an authorized user (i.e. a valid LoginID is created for the user). |