Manage Client Labels (IT Super Admin only)
Manage Client Label Values (IT Super Admin only)
There are two tabs on the Client Label Maintenance page: Label Names and Label Values:
The Label Names tab is the default tab for the page.
Click on the Label Names tab, if it is not already selected.
View names of Client-created labels.
Under the Label Names tab, enter a new Label Name into the first blank Client Label field:
Click on the Label Values tab to Manage Client Label Values for your new Label.
Under the Label Names tab, click on the field of the Label Name you wish to edit.
Edit the Label Name as desired.
Changing the Name of a Label will not affect the Values associated with that Label, or the data record of that Label's application to clients. |
It is not advisable to edit a Label Name field to a character length of zero (i.e. "delete" it by "blanking it out" and saving) once the Label in question has Values associated with it. Although doing so will not cause Label Values or associated Customer data to be changed or lost, it will cause the Label Values for that Label to become inaccessible for viewing or editing under the Label Values tab. To regain access to these Values, simply enter a new Label Name (or re-enter the old name) in the previously "blanked-out" Label Name field, and click Save. |
There are two tabs on the Client Label Maintenance page: Label Names and Label Values:
Client Label Values can be added, edited, inactivated/activated and/or re-ordered, under the Label Values tab.
Select the name of the Label whose Values you wish to view:
If there are Values already associated with that Label they will be listed below:
Click on the "Add a New Value" link, located on the right above the Label Values listing:
The Add Label Value form will appear as a shadowbox over the present page.
Enter the Value Text and indicate the Status of the Value you wish to add.
Click OK to save, or Cancel or Close to cancel action. The Label Values tab will be restored and refreshed to reflect any successfully added Value.
Click on a Value in the Label Values listing whose name or status you wish to edit:
The Edit Label Value form will appear as a shadowbox over the present page.
Make changes to Value Text and Status as desired.
Click OK to save, or Cancel or Close to cancel action.
If you change a Label Name, the Label Values will continue to be associated with that Label, even though it has a new Name. EXAMPLE: a Client Label Name can be changed from "DMH" to "Department of Mental Health" without affecting the Label Values associated with it. Likewise, if you change the Value Text of a Label Value, the clients already assigned that Value will continue to be so assigned, even though the Value is identified by new Value Text. EXAMPLE: the Text of a Client Label Value can be changed from "2 times a week" to "twice a week" without affecting which Clients are assigned that Value. |
Client Label Values appear in the listing in the same order they will appear in the FAS User's select field.
To change this order, click on the "Move Up" and/or "Move Down" links (located in the rightmost column) to move individual Values up or down in the order:
The listing will be refreshed to reflect each change.